Tuesday, November 20, 2012

FAQ: Should I Repair or Replace My Old Furnace, Air Conditioner or Heat Pump?

Our company is committed to the technical excellence of the service we provide you and, therefore, require our 'champion' technicians to attend regular training sessions. Besides the technician who actually does the repair, Howell's has highly competent and experienced field supervisors who, although you may never see, provide valuable backup to the technician. So, should a second opinion ever be required about a technical question, you don't have to worry because the technician has highly qualified expertise to bring to each call.

(But who cares? The technician isn't living in your house day in and day out, right? He just wants to move equipment!) Wrong! Take a look for yourself whether you should repair or replace that system that is still "working fine"

Should I Repair or Replace My Old Furnace, Air Conditioner or Heat Pump?

(This is an example of a 10-year-old furnace and air conditioner system. Based on current repair at the home and potential replacement cost today.)

REPAIR TODAY EXAMPLE: Compare a repair on a 10-year-old "no heat" furnace/AC by putting in a new blower motor VS replacing the furnace with a new, high-efficiency system REPLACE TODAY
What is the cost of today's repair, i.e., $350 for a replacement blower motor. TODAY'S COST Ballpark investment for a high-efficiency model furnace/AC, i.e., $6,700 (Avg. price)
What is your best guess on repairs over the next few years until the furnace/AC must be replaced? I.E., $350 FUTURE REPAIRS NONE! Your 5 or 10 year bumper-to-bumper warranty covers all that risk.
ASHRAE data shows that the expected furnace life is 18 years, so we have 8 years to go at (your guess) $1,000 per year. 8 x $1,000 = $8,000. Typical Air Conditioner life expectancy is 15 years at an average electrical cost of $700 a year. 8 x $700 = $5,600 ENERGY COST TO OPERATE FOR 10 YEARS The new, high-efficiency model will save 30-40% of their heating & cooling costs, so figure $600 per year for heating. 10 x $600 = $6,000. And $450 per year for cooling. 10 x $450 = $4,500
At some point the furnace/AC must be replaced so this is the ballpark investment for the high-efficiency model, at a minimum 2% increase annually. i.e., $7,851. COST TO REPLACE THE UNIT IN 10 YEARS* NONE! It works great and the customers are happy!
NONE! Actually, you will also have the inconvenience of at least one more failure! ADDITIONAL COMFORT BENEFITS LOTS! More comfortable due to proper sizing, better technology, quieter, less worry, better filtration, and more!
In this example, the numbers add up to: $22,151 TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP FOR 10 YEARS In this example, the numbers add up to: $17,200

*To calculate the cost to replace the unit in the future:
(Today's Replacement Cost) + (Inflation [avg 2% yearly] for X Years) = $ Future Replacement Cost

That wasn't so bad, now was it? At least now you have a clear picture of what your system is doing for you. Now it is up to you. Let us know how we can best serve you in the future. For more information, answers, or to get a no-obligation FREE replacement quote, visit our website!

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